When I first started eating healthy I always found myself relapsing… no matter how dedicated I thought I was I would always fall back down. Sometimes it would be really bad where I ate crazy for months and then sometimes I would bounce back like nothing ever happened..
This all changed when I started doing research on how foods, chemicals and pesticides affected the human body. I had to take a step back and educate myself so I could then make the best decision based on the information I found. You know what they say, when you know better, you do better or else you’re a fool.
When I found out how certain food dyes and chemicals affected our children I decided to remove that from my childrrens diets… You know how some kids just can’t sit still no matter what? or are always busy? More likely than not they consume a lof of the artifical dyes that cause that within children. This could be consumed through the snacks, cereals and even drinks. I would be weary of what your child consumes especially things with harmful dyes.
When I found out how pesiticides affected our bodies I started investing in organic fruits and vegeatbles. Things may be a little more pricey but there’s never a price on your health until there is.
Lastly, when I learned how our bodies really react to processed foods I started to make better decisions for not only myself but my little family. I stopped eating things with a ton of ingredients on the label. I tried to limit how often we even ate out of boxes or containers. I know that my lifestyle changes have made a difference when I look at how different my health is from my immediate family or associates. I can tell it’s working when my kids are calm and other children are moving ten thousand miles per hour.
A lot of times we can think the little changes we make don’t make a major difference but it does. It changes how you feel and even function. Most of the time you just aren’t very aware of the difference until it’s put right in your face or you’re forced to notice it. I’m here to tell you today that you don’t have to wait until that point. I want to talk about some things you could start implementing today to get you started on your healthy lifestyle journey as well.
First, Educate yourself. Start getting familiar with the things you are eating and how they affect your body. You’d be surprised with the things you learn.
Next, Start replacing your unhealthy foods with healthier options. You can also start adding in healthier options now, no need to wait.
Lastly, make the choice to live a healthier lifestyle. The changes that can and will be made when you decide something different can be mindblowing. Almost day and night.
Don’t be afraid to start your healthy lifestyle… All it takes is small steps that lead to the big result.